
Friday, October 06, 2017

Towards a just society....

Pure human greed is ruining our lives.

We have become exploitative of our fellow human beings. Those who are involved in this game, create ways and means of exploiting others. They bring about bureaucrats and governments that agree to their plans of exploitation.

Thus in the name of a welfare state, policies are created that look after the welfare of the rich. The rich plot and plan and corner all resources. They control land and industry. They control the jobs, they control the money supply and the banks. They create policies that funnel money to them making them more dominant and more exploitative.

They put you on a perpetual debt treadmill for anything that you want to own. Your labor is cheap and life cheaper. They don't care, just go and donate some money to wash off their sins. They too die but in the end they create more misery in the world. They are seen as job creators and people worship them but they forget that they are cutting the same branch on which they are sitting.

The earth is bountiful and has enough for every humans need but will never have for everyone's greed.

By controlling land supply and its utilization they control where you live, how you travel and where you work.

The people that we elect to make laws end up making policies that lead to our own exploitation.

Take the case of genetically modified terminating seeds. Take the case of low prices to farmers. Take the case of under utilization of land potential for housing and industry. Take the case of inadequate trains for the people who commute on daily basis. Take the case of privatization of power, education, health, roads, bridges, airports, airlines, etc. and you will see emerging a pattern. A pattern that discredits the managers of these institutions in public hands such as to hand over the same to private parties for the gains of a few.

All this is leading to increased exploitation of the masses. Labor and resources create wealth. Labor is exploited and resources are being cornered by a few.

We may be living in a democratic nation but we live in a very unjust society. And those who control this society are the real evil.

These shackles have to be broken free. We need to work for the welfare of people and not for their exploitation.

That is the basis of a good society.

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः ।
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत् ।
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om, May All become Happy,
May All be Free from Illness.
May All See what is Auspicious,
May no one Suffer.
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Not through my nose.....

Dear Mr. Arun Jailtey,

There is statement attributed to you in the media which says that you said that 'If people of India want development, they will have to pay the price'.

Dear Jaitley ji, not for a moment did any Indian have a doubt that they will have to pay a price, in fact, all along, since the last 70 years after independence, it is the public that has been paying a price for development. All the taxes that governments collect comes from the people of India to go into the consolidated funds of India, I am sure as the Finance Minister of the country, you are already aware of this fact.

Dear Jaitley ji, no Indian for a moment thought that you would bring money from your own bank account, which is quite substantive I am told, to do development of India.

Dear Jaitley ji, neither did any Indian ever think that money will come from any other leader of your party or that of other parties to do the 'development' of India.

You see sir, our problem is different. It seems that for the last 70 years, the Indian public has been doing the development of leaders like you and those spread all over the political spectrum irrespective of party they belong to.

The political class is the parasite that feeds off the money provided by the Indians. The parasites have been growing at a massive scale so much so that the Supreme Court too is worried at the impressive growth of wealth of politicians and is taking notice of the same.

Therefore dear Jaitley ji, given that we, the people of India, are aware that it is our money only that does development and given the fact that we are aware that people like you are nothing but parasites on the system, please don't lecture us on how to go about the development process.

And we are more than willing to participate in the development process but the taxes that you seek to extract should be reasonable and not extracted through our noses.
Otherwise, I hope all is well with the economy and that we can see some development towards removal of parasites that feed on our money such that we can see some real development a.k.a 'Vikas'.

In management, there is a saying, lead, follow or get out of the way.

In the present situation I think as your government is unable to lead and it can not follow, therefore the best would be for people like you and your government to get out of the way.

Or be thrown out of the way.

Choice is entirely yours.

How Government killed BSNL

  This is how Government killed BSNL; First, it allowed it to bid for 4G Spectrum, then for no reason, it asked BSNL to take back the money ...