
Friday, April 20, 2007

People for Betterment of Society Through Education

Education without any doubt is the biggest liberator of all. It liberates a person from various ills that plague a society prominent among them being ignorance, poverty and high fertility rates.

For a country like India, education can and has proven to be the best leveler among people. Education makes even the poorest of the poor to achieve high living standards and compete equally with those born with a silver spoon.

Unfortunately, education has remained a neglected area with almost all governments that have ruled the country. Basic education needs to be driven by an undying effort for 100% penetration. Higher education should be made completely free for all deserving candidates. Education should not be treated as an expense but as an investment.

It is upon all of us to make efforts to help reach this 100% target.

The education system is plagued by high drop out rates. This is true mainly for students who come from poor background and who often drop out due to demands that the family makes on them for providing economic support. As the child grows, he is made to work more and study less. This is truer in rural India and the phenomenon can be observed in the urban areas too. Although government does provide for free primary education, the effort is not enough. In this direction the government has taken steps like providing a free mid-day meal, which has worked as an incentive for poor families to send their children to school.

The government’s effort needs to be supplemented with private effort. Providing students support for expenses that are a collateral to education can do this. School dress, textbooks, note books and other equipments that can help a student learn better are still the sole prerogative of parents.

The People for Betterment of Society Through Education aims to bridge this gap. In a city like Mumbai where there are 250 to 300 private schools where the rich and the affluent send their children, there exist more than 1200 schools run by the local municipal corporation. These schools provide for the bulk of learning facility to the cities masses. The society aims to adopt these schools and provide aid to students in the area of textbooks, notebooks, school uniform and other learning aids.

The society aims to work with the local municipal corporation to provide aid for upkeep of the school premises, providing technical and financial support for up gradation of learning aids such as charts, maps, computers, audio-video equipment and other tools that can help the students learn better.

The Society also aims at conducting teacher-training programs that will help raise the level of the teacher and the taught.

We seek your active enrollment and contribution in any shape and size. Contributions can be made in cash or in kind and may include used equipment that is fit for refurbishment and deployment.

The Society is in the process of being registered with the Charities Commissioner, Mumbai and tax exemption benefits will be made available to all who donate to the cause.

All monetary donations should be made by an account payee cheque favoring ‘People for Betterment of Society Through Education’ payable at Mumbai.

All donations in kind should be coordinated with the Society for effective deployment and acknowledgement of the same.

The Society is a voluntary organization that seeks active participation from individuals and organization in support of its activities.

A board of directors who work for the society in purely honorary manner is conducting the Society’s affairs. The Society aims to keep organization expenses to the minimum and aims to set up a secretariat to coordinate the donation efforts.

The Society aims to expand its network to the entire country and set up facilitation centers in both rural and urban areas of the country. Towards this the society invites individuals to volunteer to take up this task in setting up urban and rural centers.

A website is being planned which will provide donors and members information about the activities of the society and how the funds that are being received are being deployed.

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