
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Insensitive Cities

Recently a woman was stabbed more than 20 times in broad daylight in a distant suburb of Mumbai.

The person who stabbed her was her spurned lover who later attempted to take his own life but failed. He was later arrested.

This incident happened in a busy area of the town where there were more than 30 bystanders who watched the sordid drama and did not think it fit to interfere. Later on this group of insensitive people also failed to offer any help to the girl who lay there losing vital blood.

The girl died yesterday. Her blood is as much on the hands of her murderer as much as it is on the hands of people who stood mute witness to this killing. Her father, a class IV employee, has called the people who stood and watched as eunuchs and rightly so.

Shame on you people who stood there watching. May you too meet such a fate as the poor girl did.

There have been times when this city has risen above tragedy but then there have been such shameless occasions when it has become completely insensitive to the plight of fellow citizens.

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